
Knowing What Feels Abnormal is Actually Normal

Chamber Professionals Gather at the Mon Valley Regional Chamber Luncheon

I often have the opportunity to attend networking events and other Chamber's luncheons. I always welcome the chance to join and meet "like minded" folks. Those in a a similar business, working for a related cause. It is always nice to see familiar faces and meet many new folks as well.

Like most people, I enjoy learning new things and methods of operation. I am also a firm believer of "why reinvent the wheel." If a practice is working, or working for another organization, why waste precious time trying to come up with another method. Most businesses, and even the Chambers rely on the same methods of operation - provide goods or services to customers; maintain and strengthen existing customer relationships; and increase or grow new customers.

What do I gain from these meetings and events? Like I said earlier, I'm always looking to learn new things, so here is what I try to take away:

1. The Importance of Meeting/Networking with Like-Minded People
If you are a member of the Chamber or any organization and have the chance to attend meetings/events, do so. From a business aspect, you will gain valuable insights, best practices and methods of operation that work for others. In addition, you gain business contacts, referrals, and the opportunity to grow your network. Of course, the referrals, contacts and opportunities don't necessarily happen in the first meeting, but a relationship begins to build. From a personal perspective you get a sense of renewed energy by sharing ideas and suggestions with people who have a similar vision.

2. The Importance of Making Folks Feel Welcomed and Included
When I attend events and meetings, I feel welcomed when greeted by the event planner with a simple "thank you" for coming. I hope that our Chamber members feel the same when attending our meetings and events. Do your employees feel welcomed and included in your business? Do you feel welcomed and included when you attend meetings for other organizations in which you belong? A handshake, an introduction, a "thank you for coming" are very simple ways to make people feel welcomed into your organization. A discussion, an opportunity to offer suggestions and opinions makes them feel included.

3. The Importance of Knowing What Feels Abnormal, is Actually Normal
It is nice to know that other businesses and organizations experience the same issues, problems and concerns that you do. Some days when you think you are the only business facing a particular problem, think again. There is some one out there some where with the same issue. Meeting with other "like minded" folks gives you the affirmation that you are not alone. The problem you think is abnormal, may actually be normal among other businesses. When you take the opportunity to attend meetings and events that bring businesses together you will see that you are not alone. It's a great support system.

So the bottom line, find the opportunities that put you in touch with "like minded" people. If you are a member of your local Chamber or networking group, attend the meetings. I know everyone is busy, but I think everyone can find an hour a month to meet with other people who may help you grow your business, offer support or suggestions, or simply confirm that what you are doing is working! If you are not a member of your local Chamber, then consider joining. It may be the best business investment you make.